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My poem "The Conning Of America" published in multiple charity anthologies...

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Rest in Peace
Managed to get my poem "The Conning Of America" published in multiple charity anthologies, and I believe this is the first one released as of today. It's quite a big project with 19 editors and a total of 351 poets, and note that 50% of all net sales receipts donated to Planned Parenthood. Here's an interview with two of the editors which tells the story behind it...

Meet the Press: Dante Di Stefano in Conversation with Michael Boughn and Kent Johnson, editors of Dispatches from the Poetry Wars and its new book series, Dispatches Editions

And here's the listing of all the poets and editors involved on the Spuyten Duyvil website...

Dispatches Editions - Resist Much / Obey Little - Inaugural Poems to the Resistance

And it is available on Amazon as well for anyone interested...

Resist Much / Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance

I'll add the other anthologies that my poem is included in to this thread as they're released. There were a number of charity sub calls in response to the election, and I believe it's included in at least three...though frankly it's hard for me to keep track of these things myself...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Congratulations! A worthy charity indeed.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.